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"La Briere II", Martha Saudek Oil Painting
"La Briere II (Brittany)", Martha Saudek Oil Painting
"La Briere II", Martha Saudek oil painting of Brittany
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Visit Brittany's La Briere marshland with this timeless impressionist painting by Martha Saudek (1923-2015). The calm water scene at dusk is a 9" x 12" oil on canvas panel, mounted in a gilded wood frame 16" x 19" with slight distressing.
List Price: $1,400.00
Our Price: $700.00
Savings: $700.00

Availability:: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
Product Code: SAUD2332

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Landscape artist, Martha Saudek (1923-2015) was an intrepid traveler and was noted for her depiction of water, especially at the magic dusk hour.  La Briere in Brittany is depicted in this jewel of a 9" x 12" oil on canvas panel, mounted in a gilded wood 16" x 19" frame.
  • Impressionist depiction of Brittany's La Briere marshland at dusk by Martha Saudek (1923-2015), known for her paintings of water. The 9" x 12" oil on canvas panel is mounted in a gilded wood frame 16" x 19".

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